It has been really refreshing to pick up the twin sticks to swatch and make what is going to be a small bag! Crafting is good for the soul and working with textiles feels good no matter what the technique. I have not knit anything for some years, so this design has been a good way to reconnect with the basic stitches and techniques.

The only required core skills are cast on, knit, purl and cast off. I am avoiding any shaping to keep things fairly simple. The most challenging thing is keeping track of the geometric pattern on the fabric but that gives focus to an otherwise simple project! I have learnt something new though (and you can too) in how to knit an I-cord and how to read knitting charts. I do generally like to include a chart to supplement the written instructions my patterns.

As you can see, I am using circular needles, but the fabric is flat and worked in rows. I am using this fixed pair of addi turbo needles because my very experienced knitster mum recommended these to me (and I do love them – so smooth!) These needles are smaller than usual for the weight of the yarn and that is a conscious choice for dense stitching suited to my bag purpose. I do want to experiment using different types & brands of knitting needles though, as I explore the knitting world.
I am really loving working with the Cahlista! This is colour 385 Crystalline. It feels soft but strong and has awesome stitch definition to showcase the geometric stitch pattern. I think it would produce fairly chunky crochet fabric, but I can totally see myself knitting with this again.

As you can see, there will be a small amount of dreaded hand sewing to achieve good bag structure, but it will be worth it I promise!
The finishing touches can make or break a project, so I am taking many photos along the way to include with the pattern PDF instructions. This will include how to line the bag with fabric if the mood takes you in that direction. You can see a hint of fabric in the photo below along with my most excellent first I-cord evaaa…. (after the first 3-4 rounds the I-cord was actually pretty easy!)

The big “ta-dah” moment is next week which is great because I can’t wait to use this bag! Until then, click here for Scheepjes retailers worldwide, or shop for your Cahlista or Skies Heavy cottons by these affiliate links: Caros Atelier (in the Netherlands)
Wool Warehouse (in the UK; ships worldwide)
Knit long to go now - haha!
Susan (Peppergoose)

#peppergoosedesigns #peppergoosehandmade #crochetandknit #yarndesigner #scheepjes #cahlista #skiesheavy #cottonyarn #cottonknit #knitting #newproject #newday #newpattern #gotmykniton #easyknit #handmadeisbest #peppergooseknits #wip #progresspics #comingsoon #yarnygoodness #knittedbag #smallbag #cottonbagpattern
For someone who hasn't knitted for a while you have some beautiful stitches there! So nice and neat. Beautiful! Looking forward to making this one. I love knit and crochet bags.